What is the purpose of the phrase?


Western Reserve is a church of portable and repeatable phrases. Stick in WR for a while and you will start quoting these phrases in your day-to-day life. Quoting these phrases and living them out is one of our main goals as a church. One of those phrases is, “Get It, Got It, Give It Away”. “Get it” refers to growing in our understanding of Scripture. “Got it” refers to reflecting on our understanding of Scripture and applying those truths to our lives. Lastly, “Give It Away” refers to giving what we have learned to others and making disciples. This is our calling in the Great Commission—to evangelize and teach others the gospel and what it means to follow Christ. 

What does this have to do with missions?


Defining “Get It, Got It, Give It Away” sheds light on Western Reserve’s heart for missions. We want to be a church that doesn’t just “have missions” on the side. We want to create a culture in our church of always “Giving It Away”. This culture should be marked by stories and testimonies naturally overflowing from our church. Our understanding of God’s Word and its impact on our lives should move us to always be on mission to make disciples. For these reasons, our mission outreach is called, “Give It Away”.  

How will we accomplish this?


To accomplish this, our missions are run through Life Groups. The goal is for our Life Groups to choose a service opportunity off our missions menu. This menu includes mission opportunities in our area (like serving at a homeless shelter), opportunities to use our church building for others (like hosting a basketball night or a toy drive), and opportunities to use our You Matter Trailer in our communities (like block parties or concerts). In addition to this, is a section of ideas for kids in Life Groups to serve as well (like coloring and laminating placemats to take to a local hospital).


We would love for you to be a part of Give it Away by donating financially to support these opportunities. Click the button below and select “Give It Away” from the dropdown menu. Thank you for your generosity!

What is the breakdown of different opportunities?



“In” can be defined as, “mission opportunities that happen IN the building of Western Reserve.” We want to constantly be using the building that God gave us to reach the people of our community!


“Out” can be defined as, “mission opportunities OUTside of Western Reserve and our neighborhoods.” We want to partner with organizations that we can be the hands and feet of Jesus at. Examples of the “Out” category would be partnering with organizations like Haven of Rest, the Emergency Assistance Center, as well as creative self-lead projects to give to companies. 



“Among” can be defined as, “mission opportunities AMONG our communities/neighborhoods using the You Matter Trailer.” We want to reach others right in our backyard. A huge way we can accomplish this is through bringing the church to them. This is the sole purpose of our You Matter trailer. Examples of the “Among” category would be having block parties, setting up the trailer at a laundry mat or a local fire station, or take the trailer down your street and offer free yard work. 



Kids can be involved too! Click the button below for a menu of opportunities for your child to choose from.

Sundays | 10:00am

1066 E. Aurora Rd. Macedonia, Ohio 44056 | 330-467-7436