
We believe that God has called us to push, challenge, and encourage each other in matters of life and faith. Life groups are how we try to live that out. While Sunday services are a great place to worship and sit under biblical teaching, they are not great place to build relationships, which we believe are essential to spiritual growth. We believe Life Groups to be the perfect complement to Sunday services because they create a space where new people can get connected relationally and where people can ask difficult questions and go deeper in their faith.

Each group is composed of people who are all unique and different, therefore each Life Group is both unique and different. However, there are a few things common to the groups: a commitment to studying God’s Word, being a safe place to ask difficult questions and challenging each other in matters of faith.



Below are the details you need to know to become the next Life Group leader at WRGC!

Sundays | 10:00am

1066 E. Aurora Rd. Macedonia, Ohio 44056 | 330-467-7436