Welcome to Reserve Kids!

Reserve Kids is a place where families come together with the common goal in mind: to raise wholehearted followers of Jesus Christ. We are passionate about raising our children in Christ together as a church body. Many hands join together to teach children the truth of God’s Word in a reliable, safe, and fun environment. 

  Reserve Kids is for children from birth through fourth grade. 

  Reserve Kids meets on Sunday mornings. Babies and toddlers meet in our upstairs classrooms and preschoolers through fourth grade meet in our downstairs classrooms.  

Gospel Project at Home

Each week we send home materials that will help you and your children connect with Sunday’s lesson throughout the week. For additional bible-centered resources, check out The Gospel Project At Home to help you lead a family worship experience and to provide suggestions for morning and evening prayer times and family activities.

Follow us on Facebook

Stay connected with us and keep up with the latest updates, events, and activities for Reserve Kids by following us on Facebook!

Get Involved

Looking for a way to get connected?

Volunteering alongside other parents is a wonderful way to get connected to other grown ups and stay connected to your child as they grow in their walk with Jesus.

Email kids@wrgc.life to get started!  

Health and Safety Reminders

Our Team

Staff Oversight

Contact Us

For inquiries or more information, please email us at kids@wrgc.life, and our team will be happy to assist you.