Thank you for your Generosity

We couldn't do it without you.

Ways to Give

Give Online

You can make a secure online donation anytime, from anywhere.

Give in Service

During our weekly services, you can give by placing your offering in the basket.

Give by Mail

Checks can be mailed to 1034 E. Aurora Rd. Macedonia, OH 44056

Give using the App

You can also edit this by clicking on it.


To see the Spiritually restless become whole hearted followers of Jesus Christ.

The mission of Western Reserve Grace Church is “To see the spiritually restless become whole hearted followers of Jesus Christ.” Our vision is to develop a culture of transparent life and authentic faith. With Scripture being our foundation and salvation being our hope, we seek to build a spiritually contagious environment for people to connect, trust Jesus, and live out their faith together.


The ministry of Western Reserve Grace Church is supported by God’s provision through the tithes and offerings of faithful members and attendees. We honor His provision by practicing wise stewardship, maintaining ethical business standards, and ensuring full accountability to uphold the church’s financial integrity.

Tithes & Offerings

Financial giving at Western Reserve Grace Church is typically divided into two categories: tithes and offerings. The Bible reminds us that everything we have comes from the Lord. A tithe is the act of giving ten percent of our income to support the Lord’s work, while an offering is any amount given beyond the tithe. At Western Reserve Grace Church, we believe that generous giving to your church family is a vital part of spiritual growth.

Online Giving FAQs

Your giving is 100% confidential and secure.

Throughout the year, you can check your giving statement online, and you will receive year end giving statements.

Your giving is 100% tax deductible. We are an official 501c3 organization.

You can be confident your gifts are wisely managed so that every dollar is maximized and used to accomplish the mission we have been given to Go and Make Disciples of Jesus Everywhere.